caffeine doesn't enhance baseline function. it reduces baseline function over time, so that caffeine is necessary to get back to normal baseline. look how zombie-like people appear in the morning before their cup of coffee and ask urself if that is normal.
I think this is true. I have been backing off it lately. It's difficult to break that habit. But long term it takes more than it gives. Nothing I'd for free.
Rationally I agree with you, but because I pair sipping coffee with my morning reading, it’s a habit hard to break!
i am inspired to make a whole post on coffee drinking, narrating my experience and discoveries over time. perhaps it will help rationalize quitting the habit for people who think it's time to kick the addiction.
nothing wrong with occasional cup of coffee, just like with having an occasional cuban cigar. however, drinking coffee has been twisted into a mad worldwide cult, imho.
I await your post then! Could be an intellectual refuge from the last-minute, repetitive tasks you have to do in your line of work