I would take lsd and psilocybin again or alternatively ayahuasca. I would have to have good reason to take mdma again.
In general I'm less interested in short acting psychedelics. I prefer to have time to get comfortable in an experience.
MDMA was amazing for me but coming down was BRUTAL for me. Scared me away. Don't know if I would do that again.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10 Sep
MDMA come down wasn't bad for me, but it was noticeable enough that it made me think it's worth being cautious with it. My friend (bioeng) prepares a whole supplement stack before and after. That might've been why it wasn't so bad.
That makes sense, I got mine from someone in Vegas, maybe it wasn't just MDMA. I was making some bad decisions at that time. It did give me some major insights though. I ended up ending a long relationship after that.
Yeah. Bufo is the opposite of that. Comes in fast, wrecks your world and leaves. The after effects can be forever though. I have worked with Ayahuasca a lot. Pretty powerful stuff. Helped me work through a lot. At the end of the day, it seems to depend on the intentions of the user. I have always wanted to grow with these things as a tool. I struggle to have a good time with them. But it's worth it to transform.