The German politically induced economic crash is now materializing in other parts of the eurozone. Today, Italy and Spain are reporting negative year-on-year figures of its industrial production for July for the first time, at -3.3% and -0.4% respectively. This trend will now continue to accelerate and exacerbate the very problems that Mario Draghi addressed yesterday and that he would like to answer by spending around EUR 800 billion new gov debt per year. This, of course, will be done with the ECB money printer as nobody with a functioning braincell would buy this garbage out of the hands of the green european central planners.
Europe has a competition and productivity problem, a problem with its overregulation, the massive invasion of illegal immigrants and a bloated public sector that will no longer be financially viable in view of demographics and shrinking economies.
Indirectly, they admitted in Brussels yesterday that their beloved Green New Deal, this plan to generate artificial gross domestic product at taxpayers' expense through inflation, has failed mercilessly, like everything central planners get their hands on.
We are witnessing a psychopolitical phenomena that we find everywhere in the West: at the end of the era of the ever-growing welfare state, economies are left out in the cold without any significant impetus for productivity growth. The state is absorbing ever larger parts of the gross domestic product and is thus destroying the productive forces that have kept it afloat, a snake that devours itself and has not yet noticed that the wind is blowing from a different direction than it did in the 1980s.
For the green socialists in Germany, who are in the nucleus of this storm that they themselves have caused, there may still be the silence of the green subsidy bubble that keeps their unproductive garbage that nobody would buy on a free market alive. But this is the calm before the storm and the parasitic subsidy entrepreneurs, a true apron organization of the green socialist state, will soon also be hit by the budget shortage that'll be the inevitable consequence of the failing infantile green circus german 'elites' call their economy.
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I've read from NASA that global warming is real and irreversible. I don't believe this shit. I think the warming earth myths because of the world is living in fear are generated by NASA. All the countries that align with USA accept everything from NASA. Germany is also doing the same.
It can also be the case that the warning is real, but is caused by changes in solar activity and in the earths magnetic field, with human activity being irrelevant.
Like when they convinced you to give them virgins to "sacrifice to the gods" to fix the weather. They now try to convince you to sacrifice your money, labor, and freedoms to them to fix the weather.
Trust the (gov) 'science'
Germany has to learn. I think German people are equally to blame for this. When everyone knew what was right for them, why would they support their government?
Turns out that industrial economy cannot thrive without cheap reliable energy. Who would have thought?
I’m not happy about it, though, because industry in my country exports heavily to Germany. German declines of a few percent will impact our industry much harder because our economy is much smaller.
central planning the whole economy and printing money to prop up failed companies - what could possibly go wrong
So, they have started to accept. The politicians are one step ahead of people. This has come because the world is about to accept or forget the Global warming propoganda very soon much similar to Ozone depletion propoganda! The politicians in fact now want to escape from humility of being green socialists