Just mushrooms, but tried them many times a few years ago. No horrendous trips. First time was around 2017ish. I was listening to a lot of (JRE) podcasts about them and got a good sense of what to expect. I agree with @k00b
for psychologically stable people, I think they can be an upgrade
I know I'll do them again at some point, I think the mushrooms know too..
I'm a big fan of mushrooms. I have seen these things work wonders with people who struggle with their psychological health. It all depends on intentions. Like if someone is looking for a shift or relief from their craziness, and ask for help the right way, it can be profound. It can also be a lot of other things. It really depends. it's cool JRE is talking about this stuff. It's going to be more and more mainstream I think. As people realize western medicine is a joke.