I read so much about Wasabi & chainalysis in the past few months/years, I'd rather not to use them to mix my coins. Simple coin control and playing with channels on the LN makes more sense to me.
Joinmarket is great if you do want to CJ
tbh I like wasabi 2.0. with proper coin control (supposedly coming any day now) it'll be great.
what i don't understand is the continuous mixing while also charging continuous fees.
with samourai one tx0 fee and then continuous mix
joinmarket with continuous earning while serving as a maker
both are better fee models that a constant slow trickle of fees charged on wasabi2.0
Wasabi only charges fees for entering the mix now, the fees for following rounds are just miner fees.
oh nice to see. if they just drop the chainalysis it looks like a nice design
Yeah I would not touch wasabi
afaik they're not actually using chainalysis, just saying that they might block known OFAC sanctioned addresses (i.e., addresses just listed on the OFAC list, not doing any actual chain analysis to figure that out). I could be wrong.
Wasabi 2.0 maxi here!!! Great interface