I have no idea how bitcoin can be completely self-custodially (without ecash) scaled for the whole planet. Currently it can't even with lightning. But then again i found bitcoin in 2009 (exactly because I was searching if some kind of sdecentralized currency is possible), i played with it, even got some bitcoin for free from some tap I found, i understood the idea and then thought that this is interesting, but can't scale at all. I lost interest and I lost forever my bitcoin on some old hard drive that got formatted. And then lightning network appeared, and while it doesn't scale for the whole planet it does improve the scaling a lot. I still can't think of anything that will scale bitcoin even further but I hope I will be surprised the way i was when lightning appeared. And i don't know about these covenant posts that periodically appear. I don't think O am smart enough to see a potential problem with them, but the way these soft forks are presented periodically seem suspicious to me.