I wrote about my thoughts on this last year in Bitcoin and my kids - A perspective from a father
Stay humble:
Don't be dumb. Don't over extend yourself and get into debt. Stack sats on a regular basis. Don't gamble and try to play the markets. Stay humble. Learn to grow food. Learn to be prepared for the most likely disasters (ie not nuclear holocaust). What are the most likely events that would impact you and your family where you live? Use your brain and seek out resources on preparedness. Teach your kids to be self reliant. Don't raise kids, raise adults.
Stack sats:
Focus on building wealth for your family. I don't stack sats primarily for myself. I do it for my family. I don't know when bitcoin will win but I know it will be at some point in the future so I'm focused on stacking as much as I can while I can. My goal isn't to give my children a certain amount. My goal is to get them to value bitcoin and learn skills to allow them to stack sats for themselves. Yes, I have given them bitcoin but the bigger goal is to give them knowledge and skills and help them realize their full potential. If you aren't balanced in your perspective with your family you can end up with offspring that have bitcoin but don't know why it is important. If you don't have a healthy and positive relationship with your family they will not listen to you either so remember those are the most important things.
Thank you so much! I did search som thing meaning like this but I didn't find so, I just wrote it. Thanks! The explanation is really amazing and 100% true. I think that's the best 'Stay Humble and attack Sats' advice is!