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The bond market is at the heart of the global financial market circus. This is where creditworthiness, liquidity and capital flows are determined. It dictates where the journey goes it keeps its thumb on bad policy and, á la longue, punishes the debt-issuing political machine - it should shield us in a way from the brain cancer of socialism.
So far so good. But can it be manipulated? In the short term, certainly! In the long run its incredible deep volume protects it even against coordinated political attacks and, which is more impoetant, against the cancer of free economies: central banks, the most powerful cartel the modern world knows so far.
But there is hope that we can read the playbook of these cantillioneers at least partially. If you look at the statistics, you can say that even the largest of these parasites, the Federal Reserve, follows the 2-year yield of government bonds like a little puppy follows its master.
Why is that? Of course, even people in these circles know that they are only one player among many, operating in a market of incredible high volume (don't forget the bond vigilantes). If You watch how markets can wash out bad debt with a blink of an eye You know how powerless the 'Plunge Protection Teams' can be if volatility rides them into the ground.
They know well that they are unable to really set the pace in the long term. If this is the case central banksters need help to maintain the illusion of power and transfer it into real life influence (debasing the currency that they issue is their power as it allows the wealth transfer from the productive class to the parasitic bubble).
To achieve this, the central bank needs the media, the little servants who work to support the narrative that the markets are controllable and thus do help to maintain the illusion that they are in control, that they know where things are going, that they can run up debts without limits. The media are the paid helpers of this fiat circus, which in the end has only one goal: to diminish the value of money and thus enable the transfer of wealth from the citizens (repeat that 10 times a day to get the right focus! What do You think why it is that politicians never talk about central banks and their fraud? Exactly...)
And now, as we are exactly one week away from the next decision of the Federal Reserve, awaiting the wise words of its chairman Jerome Powell, as the markets are manically await the 25 or 50 basis points that the wise man will parrot out, as the finance propaganda knows no other topic, let's just look at interest rates.
Once again, the Fed will be as obedient as ever to the 2-year yield, like the little puppy we all love so much. Thank God, the bond market already initiated the easing of monetary policy and is continuing to do so. Cash will move in its usual cycle and, meanwhile we are checking the supermarket bill and hear a very tiny laughter from hell, Jerome will be declaring its victory on inflation, Bush-Irakstyle, and the media will celebrate the wise man, this heir from Jekyll Island.
Really, it's a tragedy for global economics!
It's called the the system of democratic slavery which is managed by fuckin' governments.
The capitalists run the markets according to their profit. everything else is pretend
In other words the printer is coming?
Thanks for this. The way the bond market reacted to the UK’s mini-budget when Liz Truss was the prime minister illustrates its power. Maybe the bond vigilantes deserve a better description to reflect the good that they do.
We'll see what happens after the election if their won't be a budget cut