I was 7 and I was told football practice was off. I was pissed. I had a thirst for tuddies that could not be quenched.
Then I came home to my dad yelling at my sister while pointing at a globe and my mom upstairs sobbing violently while looking at the TV. Might as well have been straight out of South Park.
Pretty wtf moment looking back but I was just in my own world focused on playing football so I just took it in stride. That probably says a lot about me as an autist/person. It also says a lot about my crazy family lol.
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You played football at age 7?
only if you're not soft.
That’s what she said
In TX some leagues start even younger at 6 lol
Yeah I remember asking my dad who was running around the house while my mom helped with our family friends why the buildings were falling and what was going on. Just on of those things that while I cannot clearly remember everything that happened that day I can feel the emotions I felt that day still.