I was in college. I was still living at home and I was about to head out for a class I had at 11am and I saw my mom watching CNN. I watched for a bit and then headed to class. After I grabbed lunch with a few friends and it was a very somber day. Everyone around campus seemed to be walking around like zombies not really sure what happened and what was about to happen. Even though we were in Canada we felt the gravity of it immensely.
Years later while visiting NY I visited the ground zero site and it was one of the most haunting experiences of my life. The only other time I felt like that was when I toured the grounds of a former concentration camp in Austria.
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While not the same but in the same vein after Jan 6th happened in DC walking around the district was the same with it being somber and most people operating like zombies. Everyone had an idea it would be bad protest but I don't think anyone thought we would see what we saw that day.