I do a lot of traveling, and one of my favorite things to do is befriend farmer's market merchants everywhere I go.
Firstly, would Coinos be a good option for me to pitch to these (very) small business owners?
And secondly, I may have overlooked it on your site, but what's the status on what states/countries can use this wallet to start accepting bitcoin?
this territory is moderated
Oh and for the states/countries we're available anywhere where there's internet.
Yeah we're a great option for small business owners. Every merchant account comes with a public URL like https://coinos.io/laughingbean for example so you can just make an account for them with their logo and banner image and then print off a QR linking people to it. If they just display that QR at their stall or by the cash register, bitcoiners can push payments to them without the merchant having to do anything.