Anyone read this book?
And here's an interesting, brief commentary on it:
I've browsed the book and watched some of the available videos that (to me) have no conventional explanation; particularly massive steel girders seemingly vanishing into dust in realtime...???
One thing is utterly clear; 'twarn't Arab-piloted commercial jets flying into two towers that brought them down, and somehow magically completely collapsed Building Seven...
The WHOLE thing stinks to high heaven.
On 9-11 itself, watching the TV footage, it was obvious to me that the entire narrative was a fabric of lies.
But then again, I'd already been discounting most of the BS that the state promulgates for at least a decade prior to 9-11...
Truth be told, I WANT the technology that, when directed at any matter, cancels the chemical/atomic bonds holding its molecules together. Growing up, reading Science Fiction, we called those things "disintegrators." My first application would be to use it as what I'd call a "rock knife." Imagine being able to, in a carefully controlled fashion, convert solid granite into powder? I would use such a device to carve a comfortable home into a lovely local cliff-face WITHOUT all the tedious, dangerous, and expensive chiseling, jack-hammering, and blasting.
Wouldn't it be nice if humans used advanced technology for GOOD purposes, instead of murder and mayhem?🤔🧐😀👍
If it were excellent, but human nature has never thought of seeking the good for others only for its own benefit.