I make it known every time I'm asked that the client implementation that I use for nostr is nostros
People think that because this is a client that hasn't received an update in a while, that its missing key features, but really I've been waiting for other nostr apps to catch up to it for a while. A few keys things I'm looking to see in other apps:
Nostros empowers its users by showing them which relays they got a note from. This is useful for pruning the global feed as you can soon figure out that paid relays work best for the global feed. Don't want to see porn? Use relays that don't allow porn.
We were promised we would get a kind of sort of feature parity with this in being able to sort content to optimize for what we actually want to see via client side algorithms, but I'm not too confident about how powerful a client side app would be in sorting the sea of garbage by itself and anyway we haven't really seen a client that does that. Instead we do have amethyst which hides notes that users report sort of like the downvote system, but it doesn't feel like that empowers users quite as much as relay selection.
Nostros also shows you a list of relays that you aren't connected to that the note owner is connected to so that you can choose to add their relays as well. This system works to visually show you what relays your contacts are not sending notes to anymore and you can prune those if very few of your contacts are using them anymore. As well, add new ones, even personal nostr relays will show up in the list for users to connect to manually.
Amethyst's redundancy system seems to be focused around the rebroadcast button which allows you to send a contacts notes to other relays to be propagated around. While I appreciate this feature in case I ever really needed it, it doesn't feel as empowering as what nostros delivers.
nostros has seed words. 12 word passwords are pretty great for portability. Unlike in Bitcoin, we don't have derivation paths to worry about as far as I know, so it actually is a complete backup. While I do wish it had a relay list export feature, no other client implementation would probably adopt an import feature that was compatible with it (just like how they haven't implemented seed word private keys).
I sort of made this post to complain because I was going to try out the nostr wallet connect feature in SN and nothing has a seed word import ;_;
If you do know of client implementations that have some feature parity at all with nostros, please feel free to share them.
I sort of made this post to complain because I was going to try out the nostr wallet connect feature in SN and nothing has a seed word import ;_;
You want the ability to import seed words into SN and other nostr clients?
Yes. They are nostr seed words. Not Bitcoin seed words.
https is not active :D too bad ...
that seems quite challenging keep up the good work
I have recently started with nostr, I have only downloaded one client.