I wont lie, I dont subscribe to anyones yet. But I have noticed more that I post on peoples that I enjoy. I think it is more of a mental list, so my notifications arent as cluttered. I really should subscribe, so it takes some of the clutter out of my mind.
This guy gets it.
There has been a lot of new people lately. And I am not the best at telling if they are AI or not. So I read a lot, but dont always comment on all of them. I choose to spend my time more wisely.
I think it's extra tricky because some people seem to be mixing some AI with their own thoughts, plus translating from another language.
I've been downzapping low quality AI seeming comments more often, just in case.
I have noticed the CuriositiesInTheWorld has turned into EngineeringExplained? I am not sure if they are the same people or ai. It is getting tricky. I would rather interact with people instead of bots.