I used to be very addicted, about a decade ago. Anxiety caught up and really fucked me up, couldn't even take a drag of anything without feeling like I was dying. Took a very long break (5 years) and kept trying again. I think the thing for me, personally, was acknowledging that it still had 'power over me' even if I wasn't smoking. I didn't like that. Gradually found the right CBD-heavy strains and introduced it back, safely. I still only solo smoke, I always have a ton on hand. But I haven't smoked in like 3 months and don't think anything of it. Even when I do, it's with a herb vape with a very small container on a low temp. I think we as a society have completely over done it.
Applaud your reasons, sounds like a different scenario but just wanted to share my perspective since you mentioned anxiety. Part of me getting past that was to make sure it didn't have power over me anymore. Not every addict can do that, but it felt important to me. Weed is such a strange, magical plant. Gotta respect it.