This is 100% a question of how much freedom you need in your lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you own $10 worth of BTC or $10 Billion worth of BTC, it's what you show to others that determines the level of freedom you personally experience.
If my current & future stack grows in value to become worth billions I believe I may start spending more than I do now, but no amount of wealth will make me wear gold chains & gucci products, live in a mansion, or drive a lambo around. Those items are like walking around with a billboard above your head screaming "Rob me." They REQUIRE more security in your day-to-day life.
If you want to live like that, you need bodyguards with guns, plain & simple. And who wants to live like that? Not even royalty. They hate the lack of freedom that requires of them. I certainly would too.
So find your chosen level of comfort and prepare the necessary security to maintain that lifestyle safely. Some people are happy being comfortable living in the same house they grew up in until they die. Others need their own jet plane to hit the ski slopes when they get the itch. You do you, just learn to accept that the latter requires guns & thugs to be safe, while the former makes you no more a target than you are now.
luckily i am very minimalist in life, unlike Indian shirt guy
'Tragically, Phuge’s life was cut short when he was brutally murdered in 2016. He was attacked by 12 assailants with a sickle, swords, knives, and rods, and then bludgeoned to death with large stones near Dighi in Pune.'