After reading the comments yesterday, it's clear that to replicate this performance, you need to zap big the posts that will become top posts. But is that really the answer? I believe it's incredibly challenging, as it demands an intimate knowledge of the stackers' preferences.
You nailed it! That's exactly why it's valuable.
It requires subbing to the top stackers and having a bot zap them as soon as they post.
That's not gonna work. Check out my last comment.
Great we should all aim to do nothing but try to zap content that will become top posts early.
I don’t want to spend my time doing that but if that’s what is the most valuable behaviour should we not all be trying to create the most value.
Nice knowing you SN when 75% of the content goes away so we can all try to game rewards.
Nah, we shouldn't all be doing this. I estimate that only 2 or 3 stackers are capable of it. The biggest concern is when it becomes a recurring pattern, as this can create the impression that the top posts are manufactured.
Nah, the biggest problem is having honest actors who put a lot of time and effort into adding value to the site, having their contributions devalued in comparison to someone who is doing nothing but spending a few sats which they will get back and more. This just sends a message to other stackers to optimize for sats instead of quality experience on site or to not bother and go elsewhere. Either of those outcomes are negative for SN.