How do you reconcile the neoliberal focus on individual market freedoms with the broader goals of human rights, particularly when economic policies like privatization and deregulation often undermine social and economic rights for vulnerable populations?
A question in this vain was once raised to me by a so-called liberal (sorry for using labels) saying human rights have been hijacked by the neoliberal movement. I'm not too familiar with all of this, how would you have answered this question or how would you counter this critique?
Because of this negative image, this person flat-out rejected the idea that Bitcoin could be a force of good for human rights.
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Neoliberalism is a fiat project
It is a product of dollar hegemony
Bitcoin is THE BEST rejection of neoliberalism in my view
For context: this person was an American human rights lawyer in South Korea. He calls himself progressive, hence because of how much Bitcoin has become polarized in the US, could not fathom giving a positive thought to Bitcoin (probably also due to the prevailing conflation with crypto).
He needs to spend a little more time on the subject. Bitcoin is money for enemies.