I recently was exposed to this game from a good friend and it got me excited for some reason. Historically, I do not play a lot of video games. I do enjoy Zelda games, most recently Tears of the Kingdom. Would I like Elden Ring. It seems like a lot to learn but something is calling me to it. And my friend has offered to let me borrow a PC to play on. Anyone here a fan of the game?
It's for hard core gamers. When you have coupe hours a week at most to relax and play games this is not the game to play. This game brings memories of the times when you had 3 lives and after they are gone you need to start level from the beginning.
Maybe I am interested because it seems like it requires a lot of patience and could pay it forever.
I am NOT a hardcore gamer and I probably wouldn't want to spend a ton of time. So you are saying it isn't for me. hmmm.
So yes, it requires a lot of patience, and yes - you can probably play if forever, which means if you don't dedicate enough time to it you won't see much progress. I really wanted to play this game, I even gave it 3 tries:) but my problem is, I really don't have this time and there were literally months of no progress. But hope you enjoy it;)
I think I am intrigued because this is a lesson I am working on in life. The lesson of enjoying the journey and being okay with slow progress. Being okay with being a beginner. Historically I get very frustrated when I can't make something happen as fast as I want. And I feel patience and enjoying the process is a key to enjoying life. So the game within the game of life can help with this lesson. Or maybe I will get frustrated right away and quite. We will see.
Then good luck, Tarnished;)