I was scrolling through the College Football Scores and noticed something odd.
I am not sure what led to this but it can’t be anything good for Missouri. Haha
Looks like ESPN app had it wrong in real time. Not surprising considering the insanity that was this drive. Here is the breakdown:
1st and 10 at BC 38- Incomplete pass. Unsportsmanlike conduct -15 yards. 2nd and 25 at Missouri 47- Pass complete for 23 yards but ineligible man downfield -5 yards. Replay 2nd down. 2nd and 30 at Missouri 42- Pass complete for 6 yards. Personal foul -15 yards, another personal foul half distance to the goal -13 yards. Replay 2nd down. 2nd and 58 at Missouri 14- Run for 24 yards 3rd and 34 Missouri 38- Run for 6 yards 4th and 28 Missouri 44- Punt
2nd and 58 is more baffling than 3rd and 54.
Yeah. I have never seen two personal fouls from the same team on one play.
Almost half a field of penalties in 3 plays. Wow that's impressive.
Oof. I'm a Jets fan and this still sounds inconceivable.
Haha. Yeah. I was shocked.
I've been following an embarrassingly hapless team since the early 90's and that's new to me.
Sounds like two holdings (20 yds) and a false start (5 yds), plus a personal foul (15 yds) tacked onto a huge sack (14 yds).
I need to look into the details of how it occurred.
My brother's high school football team had at least one record-settingly poor performance. It's entirely possible the were in something like 3rd and 54 at some point.
Another scenario I could imagine would be a horrific fumble that just kept going backwards, before being recovered. Sort of the opposite of the Holy Roller.
Your brother is a coach?
No, he was on a notoriously bad team.
I remember 3rd and 43 in 1989
Notre Dame at Miami
Did they convert?
It was that kind of night for them
Notre Dame was very good. Maybe their best team not to win a title
That’s wild. That was like a Hail Mary but not at the end of the game and 50 yards from the end zone
Is this some sort of game