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I bet sometimes You guys here think I am exaggerating the problems we have in Europe (especially in green rainbow stalinist Germany). Now even the mainstream can't deny it any longer. It's sinking! And: UK/EU need a defeat of russia as they will depend on reperations to finance their coming fiscal collapse. Don't forget that when You consume ukraine propaganda these days. And now back to the 'fun part'.
When even 'Politico' no longer denies the disaster, things look bleak. Europeans have rested far too long on the laurels of successful post-war decades and allowed themselves to become entangled in infantile narratives such as the climate apocalypse, which have bred green socialism as a pressure motive and stressor. We should now begin to drastically cut the state apparatus, abolish subsidies to free the markets from welfare entrepreneurs and address the problem of the euro.
But I fear nothing will happen for now, as we are still in the phase of fighting the dawning realization that green rainbow socialism will also fail like any type of radical statism and its fall is only just beginning. Meanwhile Draghi proposed nothing else as more of the same: more state, more debt and less competition.
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Nothing ever happens from a centralized point of power control. Unelected socialists have occupied places of authority for the sake of their own need. It's such a pity. And, I sincerely feel for the innocent European masses. May God save us all!
China isn't just catching up. In areas like the electric vehicle industry, it is even leapfrogging Europe.
I see China already is much ahead than Europe. The best thing China has done is not following any green socialism. India is also moving towards defeating EU economically. Interesting times ahead! For the past 5 centuries Europeans have been dominating the world but now it's reset time I think.
But not anything isworking smoothly over there
But I fear nothing will happen for now, as we are still in the phase of fighting the dawning realization that green rainbow socialism will also fail like any type of radical statism and its fall is only just beginning.
It might have kicked off, but I reckon there's a long way to go. Cultural changes are slow.
I thought this quote from the article was very interesting:
The British historian Perry Anderson described how bureaucrats in the Ottoman Empire tried in vain to reform their dying state. Despite countless reinvention it "simply became ever more tortured and broken,” he wrote.
I've read and heard so much about the collapse of the Roman empire, but it would be fascinating to learn more about the collapse of the Ottoman empire...
What happened to Europe? definitely have to face politics again?
In short: economic, cultural suicide
My hope is not to strive for wealth and leadership.
Why though? What's the point? How did we get there?
This is a matter of economic and cultural influence, bro.
So, I hope that the leaders there will not pursue wealth, so that the European economy remains stable, and small communities are helped.
the malaise isnt only in the EU, it seems to be in most of the developed word. the youtube algo is constantly showing me what i can only describe as Canada-doom content.
Germany is just going next level and is ultimately destroying itself, or at a minimum making it suck a lot more than it did a decade ago.
but this is just the end game of fiat + the endless growth mindset where we keep shipping out all the jobs to poorer and poorer countries until one day we are left with no solid jobs for locals (or workers so expensive nobody wants to pay them ) and everything else being replaced by AI.
the irony is in communist ideology, it was always about the cult of the worker - well now we have plumbers and builders and things like that being in a golden age because they can charge what they want and cant be replaced by a person from a 3rd world country or a robot
Germany is just going next level and is ultimately destroying itself, or at a minimum making it suck a lot more than it did a decade ago.
I don't know yet, what's the problem with Germany?