I know, is a shitcoin wallet, but if you only add the bitcoin networks it becomes a bitcoin-only wallet
Yes this is what I choose to pick on lol.
No, only adding the Bitcoin network does not make it a Bitcoin only wallet. Here's why:
The developers don't have a laser focus on Bitcoin (the actual meaning of laser eyes BTW). Because they don't specialize, they are more likely to mis-implement Bitcoin only things or miss entirely certain Bitcoin wallet footguns. A larger codebase also makes it less likely that anyone who isn't a developer for the project has ever and will ever put their eyes on it to review the code.
I am the cake wallet dev that added silent payments, currently I only work on the Bitcoin features and other misc changes around the app, and the web services, while another dev is focused on evm coins like ETH, SOL and TRX, and another dev is focused on the Monero stuff, etc there's more and we are all able to work together as well
we use common libraries for everything in the code, the bitcoin features are added on top of the https://github.com/mrtnetwork/bitcoin_base dart library which allows more people to have eyes on it since libraries can be reused by any other codebase
pretty easy to do actually, and with this productivity stack this gives us room to have features other wallets don't have (like silent payments) and we can research for more, like paynyms, payjoin, coinjoins, etc, which is what I am doing, I do this while the bitcoin wallet is working and doesn't need to be changing all the time, and the other devs are working on the other stuff, then always moving a few steps ahead
The developers don't have a laser focus on Bitcoin
Being one of the few wallets that has Silent Payments implement does not look like they have lost focus on Bitcoin. It just makes it harder for them to make all their audience happy. From how I see it, it still a non-custodial Bitcoin wallet! Anyhow, there are many easily-accessible functionalities that could bring new users to felt in the shitcoin trap.