Many people seem to think AI is going to take Jobs, but really AI is only going to offload Tasks.
A Task is not a Job. A Job has MANY tasks. Some people are paid to do tasks (uber drivers, gig work, etc.) Those people are ripe to be replaced by automation.
What if an AI can offload every task in your job? Well, then your job has been redefined to include new tasks (namely managing the fleet of AI that supercharges your job).
Who is going to manage these AI fleets? Likely technical people who can organize and think at a high-level about problems, but can also break those problems down into technical tasks and divvy them out. Also, you need a human in the loop that can catch an AI that is hallucinating and be the judge of quality of the output of the AI.
IMO, the jobs that include tasks like managing teams of people are among the jobs that are quickest to go. For example, non-technincal managers that manage technical people. Those technical people will become managers of AI fleets and the non-technical managers will be searching really hard for tasks to keep them busy and not get fired.
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