Cool! Although I recommend not putting in front of your yard due to privacy. If people know you have bitcoin, they may try to rob you.
As someone who has been robbed before, really focus on privacy and security, and don't wear bitcoin memorabilia.
Great point! We were thinking about putting them in public spaces that allow anyone to post signage- not our own property. Good clarification!
In the QR code you can put a brief description of what bitcoin is, I say if you don't have it already
Currently the QR takes folks to bitcoin core but directing to an educational or more descriptive site would be a good idea too. Check out the site for example.
Meh. I don't live in fear personally. I would just have this sign in my yard too
Also, if someone does rob the place without getting shot, they have to learn what multi-sig is and why the key they may or may not have found in the house isn't enough to let them steal the Bitcoin lmao
I'm not saying I disagree with you at all. I don't want to see anybody get robbed! I am curious what you think of my meme today though.
A good discussion to have!