very few people are aware of this, especially if they earn in euros or USD and they don't see the dilution happen so fast. just sticker shock in the supermarket.
then again, i know people in russia that now make 100k rubles and think it's amazing, all because back in 2012, 100k rubles was like benchmark for being very successful (a bit like 100k USD was in the States).
meanwhile, in reality, back then, 100k rubles was over 3330 USD, now it's barley 1000 dollars.
some of my friends are half as poor in USD terms than they were a decade ago and don't even realise it.
this is why we need proper financial education, wouldn't look good for the gov tho
Wow, a sad story, yet if you don't know what to measure by then its easily done. For the first time in history there is a measuring stick outside the reach of central bankers and governments.