When I go out to take street photos, I take pictures of all sorts of things, and something I pay special attention to is the old cars I see on the street. In Venezuela, no matter the year of the car, if it still works, you're likely to see it driving around!
Like this car, a gem, and its owners take good care of it:
Even in the next photo, we see two old cars in the same place, both still in circulation!
Another model of an old car, still on the streets!
And this Chevrolet car isn't that old, and I liked that they take very good care of it:
I took the following photo because I really liked the colors; the truck and the house make a color party, haha!
The next photo isn't of a car but rather a motorcycle, and I took it because I really liked how the man's shirt matched the motorcycle and its basket:
I think this photo is appropriate to share in this post. It's a fruit and vegetable market. You can find these markets all over the city, and usually here we can find cheaper prices than in supermarkets.
And right next to it, you can see a classic old Chevette car, still in operation:
I hope you enjoyed this set of colorful street photos as much as I did!
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