mr. beast videos are entertaining, but entertainment is void
Is it? Are takeaways, learning, and perspectives the only things that fill a void? Moralizing entertainment is a hard job. You must presume to know what people benefit from in all contexts. Taking a person's mind away from their troubles even without takeaways seems valuable and good to me. Certainly, it's at least morally neutral.
I've only ever watched a handful of his videos, but most of them involve humans making choices and there's a lot to takeaway from watching humans make choices.
mr. beast is an inhuman machine
This isn't fair. Don't be the creator that loathes successful creators. Don't be the creator that loathes the successful creator's audience.
You can want more from Mr. Beast. You can choose a different and "better" path than Mr. Beast. But don't strip his humanity from him because you wish he produced things like you would.