A Harvard astrophysicist, Avi Loeb, believes that remnants of alien civilizations might exist close to Earth in the form of technological debris.
Loeb has garnered significant attention in recent years, particularly in 2023, when he embarked on an expedition to retrieve fragments of an interstellar meteorite from the ocean floor.
He speculated that these fragments could have been artificially created by an intelligent alien civilization from another star system.
In an interview with Live Science, Loeb discussed another intriguing method for detecting extraterrestrial life—searching for space junk from alien civilizations in our solar system.
“I would like to see if, among the rocks that arrive into the solar system from other stars, there is any technological debris,” he explained.
“It could be space trash or it could be functional, but it should be easy to differentiate between rocks and something else.”
Loeb also proposed that, given unlimited resources, he would establish a dedicated experimental program to monitor objects within Earth’s orbit around the sun to detect potential alien artifacts.