Elisabeth Warren and her central planners are calling for the Fed to cut rates by 75 basis points. Does anyone here have the rhetorical ability to explain to these central planners that it would take a free market for money, free capital markets without continued government interventionism, to solve the problems of poor people? But basically it was clear that these people would end up blaming the Federal Reserve for the failure of American policy. Of course, it never has anything to do with their own policies...

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78 sats \ 1 reply \ @Golu 17 Sep 2024
Now if they won't do 50bps cut l, it will be seen a negative by the market.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @GhostofTruth OP 17 Sep 2024
Boss move would be a 25bps hike and pressure on the commies in Washington. But we won't see adult behaviour within the fiat ponzi ever
57 sats \ 7 replies \ @fm 16 Sep 2024
That, my friend, was never part of the plan..
Actually they feed on poor people.. Poor people are part of the credit scheme.
Just like an addicted is the best client of a drug pusher
31 sats \ 5 replies \ @GhostofTruth OP 16 Sep 2024
Yeah, I know. If You observe politics these days and listen carefully how degenerates like these WEF parasites think about the poor it could make You sick. I try to distance myself these days a bit from these people in the news as I can feel the negative impact
57 sats \ 4 replies \ @fm 16 Sep 2024
The own nothing and be happy thing is just wicked.. They expect you to rent everything..
I dont understand how some people miss to see it,..
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @GhostofTruth OP 16 Sep 2024
It's too crazy tobe true
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @987654321 16 Sep 2024
I think what's funny is spiritually we don't own anything. It's not ours but giving humans the power over other humans is weak and it's athiesticism. In other words, "There is no God and this there is no natural law and superior humans must intervene."
It's how many like myself have graduated from Agnostic, Athiestic and Impersonal spiritual life to the opposite through Bitcoin because finding a constant that can not be manipulated is a wink from the Supreme.
Ownership then is more like stewardship or the Principal of Care. I own this because I care about it and furthermore I give it to God because they're is no easy I could manufacturer the basics of healthy life without sacrifice.
Communism is making men God and that's retarded. Capitalism is the free market and it also is purely materialistic but it's decentralized and the hand of God is recognized as the mover of markets.
All of this can and will be destroyed so that is why ownership is only a materialists viewpoint. Spiritually the power of having freedom given by God allows men and women to only get what is needed and when they serve others the job increases in power and service this elevating the status of the human in the life and the next.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 16 Sep 2024
Its true,
You never get to really own things other than your own thoughts. And even your own thoughts are ground for discussion..
The wicked part is these people want you to pay rent to someone who really doesnt own it..
Its like the worst of capitalism meets the worst of communism
47 sats \ 0 replies \ @987654321 16 Sep 2024
Indeed. By practicing chanting in Bhakti Yoga I've found that after doing this for two hours 108 rounds times 16. 1728 times which is about 2 hours. My thoughts are quiet. Easily I can catch a song, thought or other nonsense and let it go. Hence the chanting practice is like stacking sats. Actually sat is Sanskrit for truth so I'm stacking good action and yes, I can see who's thoughts are whose.
Interestingly enough, intuitively I'm getting information that I might have struggled with before.
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @987654321 16 Sep 2024
Every bout of slavery begins with credit. I recently spoke to an 80 year old banker or business guy who says, "Capitalism has failed people."
I pointed out that capitalism only exists without central banking. He was taken by surprise on that statement.
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 16 Sep 2024
Wow 75 basis points? That might destabilize markets that is crisis level cutting.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @GhostofTruth OP 16 Sep 2024
Right. These people have no idea what they're doing
57 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 16 Sep 2024
They dont care because it isnt their money.
They can just use inside secrets and make the market work for themselve.
Remember what they did during covid?
67 sats \ 0 replies \ @987654321 16 Sep 2024
Yes, front run the price discovery with cheap money.
This is good for Bitcoin.
Each sat will increase in value and data centers that have switched to AI will find the power increasing in Fiat price while the mining businesses of Bitcoin will easily pay the bill.
47 sats \ 1 reply \ @Coinsreporter 16 Sep 2024
What they wish for aren't gonna get. However, they think they know economics better than anyone else. They are in fact the thieves and they think they aren't gonna be caught ever.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @GhostofTruth OP 16 Sep 2024
Maybe they're cleaning the path for 50bps?
47 sats \ 0 replies \ @987654321 16 Sep 2024
"Just shut up and gas up the jet, slave."
-- Elizabeth Warren