With the addition of Stephan Livera and hopefully more big name Twitter users, should Stacker News reserve the most popular Twitter names OR should usernames be available on a first come first serve basis?
What say you fellow Stackers?
YES: Reserve Top Twitter Names8.3%
NO: Don't Reserve Any Names91.7%
12 votes \ poll ended
Nah don't think it matters, if we look at the talk going around, you'll be able to verify everything with an Lsat so your SN profile can be linked to your Twitter that way
@TheBTCManual Could you elaborate a little more on how your comment “able to verify everything with an Lsat so you SN profile can be linked to Twitter”
An LSAT is a Lightning authentication token so you could use your LN wallet as your unique login/identifier, apps like Twitter can then be connected to it, so you can verify that lets say the same Lsat has ownership rights of the SN account, their website and other social media or 3rd party accounts
Fascinating, thanks for explaining. Another rabbit hole I need to go down today.
Twitter is fucked. SN is the king. Reserving names is stupid anyways. A name means nothing.
A firm no from me. The handles should be on first come first serve basis. If some scammer starts pretending to be Adam of Greg or whoever, we'll find quickly enough it's not the case.
First come first serve. If individuals want to prove and link their social identities, they can.
No need to prevent someone from selecting any name they want