Those are very Special people in my book who love nicknaming others - mostly they do it out of fun, endearment, love, they are generally very creative people with curious minds.
One of those special people was my Dadi (grand mother) - who still not long ago was still about nicknaming everyone and our pets. The names would often be from her own creativity, from the world that she associated someone with, the way someone she thought behaves generally. It was only that she got titled one of my aunts 'lomdi', (The Fox) because she was very cunning and my uncle 'Kalua' (Blacky) because he was a little more black than others.
It's not all everyone was given a nickname by her. Even I wasn't spared. The nym that I'm using here is my actual nickname given by her. As a child I used to be 'Golu' (round) that can be understood for 'Chubby'.
Although in my school and college, I was known with a different name but now I'm known to the world by the name 'Golu'. My identity for the world is Golu but I'm not pump or chubby at all. Do I like it. Yes I certainly do and as it's attached to one of the sweetest memories of my life, I want to remain Golu of my Dadi (my granny).
So here, out of just curiosity, I'd love love to hear from you all;
  • Do you have a nickname?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • How do you feel about it?
  • Do you like your nickname?
Yes, I like it. 30.0%
No, I don't like it.20.0%
I have mixed feelings about it.30.0%
I don't have a nickname20.0%
10 votes \ poll ended
A Lomdi, seriously! Your dadi must e been very funny, lol.
Since I entered high school one of my classmates one summer afternoon started making fun of my nose 🤥.. and he called me Pinocchio 🤥.. something that I didn't like at first.. but I couldn't get rid of the annoyances of my classmates throughout high school!! Nowadays they don't bother me anymore.. since I don't see them because I emigrated to another country!! but every time I enter a social network I always.. receive a message from my friends greeting me and telling me 🤥... 🤦🤦🤦🤦
In these times there are very sensitive people with these issues, but if you ask me I see it very well and I have had different nicknames that are offensive or not but I have welcomed them all with a lot of charisma
Not anymore but I had a couple different ones growing up.
I used to have a different name and everyone called me by the short form of it which I never liked. I am more okay with Dave, short for David. My old name is 🤫.
Everyone I know calls me "you freaking unbearable idiot we told you not to come back here!!!" so I came to understand that's just how people say "Hi!" :D
In all seriousness, I'm one of those people who always got friendly nicknamed, something I have always appreciated, yet it's always a different nickname everywhere!! I currently have, of the top of my mind, 10 different simultaneous nicknames at least. That switching when talking to each group always tickles a part of my brain :)