Thank you all so much for contributing and your kind words. I was nervous about posting this morning. I had to keep off stocker most of the day and keep focused on work. There is part of me that feels afraid that I will be in trouble for asking for things. I guess there is still a bit left of my scared little boy inside. It fills me up hearing from you all. And it has all been supportive. I guess I am not in trouble. And you all have been so generous. I didn't have a goal exactly but at least the boost I put on here is more than paid for. I will figure out how to get the alter_native on the lifetime subscription but I am not there yet. And I figured I should at least ask for support. Thank you so much. 🙏💚⚡🙌🥳🔥🌄
No, you shouldnt be afraid. You have offered a superior product, a place were everyone can express themselves. I am sure everyone feels the same.