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My Aunt and Uncle were in town yesterday for a brief visit with my parents. I had not seen them since my daughter was born and my mom wanted some help doing a BBQ for them, so we ventured off for a visit and some BBQing.
My daughter is usually very social and a real character but surprisingly she was very reserved and shy at the beginning of the visit. My Uncle is a bit of an eclectic guy, has long white hair, a long white beard and a permanent deer in the headlights (I may or may not currently be super high) glare. My daughter was polite and said hello to everyone but she did not want to sit with everyone in the living room. Instead, she preferred to play with her toys in the basement. She has a vast selection of toys to choose from in my parent's basement.
Despite the slow start, she started to loosen up a bit when she joined me outside to be the "timer" for the BBQ. She would call out each minute and then open the sliding door and call to my mom- "we need hot dogs now grandma", "we need the buns grandpa", "two more minutes everyone" etc. But the floodgates finally opened when we were sitting down for dinner.
My mom had sliced up some nice tomato, pickles and bell peppers for anyone who wanted to dress their burgers and placed each one in an individual dish with a garnish fork. Even though my daughter likes all of these garnishes, she does not like any of them directly on her burger, so she eats them separately. Almost like a garnish salad. Anyways, she likes dill pickles the most and wanted more slices of dill pickles. I passed the small dish with the pickles to her and she tried using the garnish fork to get one out but if flew off the fork, out of the dish and onto her napkin beside her plate. She started laughing hysterically and exclaimed:
"I forked it! and it flew onto my napkin"
Everyone started laughing and from that moment on the Izzy show was in full effect. After dinner she had my Aunt and Uncle on the floor playing with her toy robots and showing them all the books and puzzles she has. When I told her it was time to leave she said "I had fun playing with you" to my Aunt and Uncle. She had a great time. All because she came out of her shell once every laughed at her kidism.
What are some funny kidisms your little ones have had?
Sats for all, GR
this territory is moderated
I have always loved my children's crazy antics, especially my little girl who every time she sees me says, "Daddy, what did you bring me?" She loves a delicious cake from my city.
My little one also loves when you bring her little treats.
I don't have anything to tell except my wife keeps on saying that our baby is very naughty and I reply with full confidence that it must be because it's mine. Haha
I'm loving this parents' corner ever since you guys started it. I feel like there's a lot I can learn from you all about parenting. So, I humbly request, no I demand you to include me to this amazing space what you call a corner.
Looking forward to seeing some of your parenting posts in the corner.
count on that, I am a father of 2 children.
As my kids are getting older or I am getting more of a handle on the juggle that parenting can be, I have started cooking meals from scratch instead of boxed options. One evening, I was very excited to make macaroni and cheese with all fresh ingredients and proudly served my kids this healthier meal. My 6 year old balks and says, “This isn’t real mac and cheese! You didn’t put any of that orange powder cheese in!” I think the ship has sailed for her appreciation of real, non-processed food. Mom fail.
My daughter calls hoods "roofs", which often gets a laugh.
Not exactly a kidism, but she's been repeating encouraging messages back to adults: telling people "It's ok, everyone makes mistakes." or "Oops! Try again!" It's unbelievably cute being on the receiving end of a four year old's positive messaging.
I remember was singing something one time when my daughter was around 3 or 4 and she said "try again daddy". Haha
How would you feel if we migrate Parent Corner to ~Alter_Native?
It's very much in keeping with the ethos of that territory, would have much lower posting fees, and @DesertDave is really active in trying to develop his territory.
I would love to see that and would do everything I can to support it. I am a parent. I like to think a pretty good one. I think my teenage children would agree. Being a parent is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. 💚
I take parenting very seriously. There is nothing more important than our children.
I thought about that today but I am hoping keeping mostly harmless alive will entice Elvis to return to the building. I am open to it if that’s what you and @cryotosensei want to do though. It’s certainly cheaper to post.
I mulled over this the whole day. I would say keep things as they are because I feel good about paying 420 sats to retell my child’s tale. I feel like the higher posting fee makes it more legit. Haha
I am supporting DesertDave in regard to his territory by posting all my ventures into Gen AI tools even though some of them are tenuously linked to Alternative haha.
Alright, well, I think I'm going to switch over. I like that he's actively working on his territory, engaging with the community, and has kids himself.
We should probably throw our support to those who are actively building Stacker News.
Agreed. Let’s do it.