Language is a very important factor in the development of a project. Most of the information about Bitcoin is in English, certainly everyone should be responsible for their education, but if we want to educate everyone, because Bitcoin is for everyone, we should have information in native languages. Of course, it doesn't make sense for an English-speaking person to prepare information in Spanish, but why don't those in the Spanish-speaking world do it in Spanish?
SN is a good example of this. But then there is the other factor, the community. While a good part of English-speaking people are taking advantage of the benefits of this platform, I have noticed people in Spanish-speaking communities looking for where to stack SATs and looking for 100% scam platforms because they are not sustainable and are not PoW.
Bitcoin is the solution to everything. But communities in each region must work hard on education. In principle it will take sacrifice, but there will be rewards.
Smart people strive to do good for others and this pays off in a greater good.
AI translations can fill this language gap so it won’t be much of an excuse in the future