Looking at the witness list (on the front page of the link) you have companies that are struggling with the lack of clarity for instance Robinhood and Bitwise Asset management as well as former SEC officials and legal scholars.
This type of balanced panel will really allow Members to ask good solid questions about what the legislation they are proposing will do (I haven’t had a chance to go through them all yet but one hits banks holding crypto and not making it be a liability for them. Another touches on NFTs and how they are not investments unless specified. If I’m feeling okay tomorrow I will go through them before and try and write up something!
That will be interesting to see. I dont want to sit through hours of them droning on.
It’s something all have on while doing something else esp during the Q&A part. Opening statements should be good all around tho
I hope they are not ignorant about the subject. The facebook meeting was horrible
McHenry, Emmer, Davidson, Torres, and a few others are super pro and want to figure out how to make this all work. I got faith in them… Maxine Waters and Brad Sherman are gunna suck though
California congressmen
Maxine needs to retire, too old, too many terms. A good example of why we need term limits