Are you writing this up as a follow up to @hasherstacker's post #689349 today. The views in both the posts are quite similar.
i didn't see that post actually, i was more interested in seeing how much general financial education people got when they were growing up Vs my lack of it , like maybe i am the exception?
it crosses the topic of teaching kids finance in general (not limited to btc) because i feel bitter in many ways that i was never taught such basic things and , quite frankly, it's outrageous given the amount of crap schools do teach
There is similarity but yours is also a very good write. I like it and I also zapped it. We definitely need to ask and programme school education with Bitcoin. Now is no time to teach finance, it's time when kids must be taught about freedom and that too very early in their lives. My father has been an accountant throughout his life and finance is almost in my genes, you can say. Still, my father didn't know about Bitcoin before me. I'm the one who told him about Bitcoin.
So, the point is this, the schools are such a bad bad system for education, I don't have any hope from these commercial buildings. Instead I would like to see parents take initiative to teach their kids about freedom and Bitcoin from very early age.
often the old legacy guys didnt pay attention to bitcoin because they 'already made it' and this new thing comes along and becomes a beast, so i get the blindspot, although some people, like Buffet, will never come around