As the title says, I took all these street photos in Venezuela, specifically in a city called San Cristóbal. What I love about these photos is the vibrant colors that bring them to life.
I snapped this photo of a gentleman because I thought it was so odd how he was covering his face with his cap. And the spot where I caught this shot was so colorful!
A flower shop is always going to be full of color!
I took this next photo of a liquor store in my city. Without the colors, you'd miss all the variety.
Something interesting about liquor stores in Venezuela is that it's totally normal to drink beer right there in the store. You'll see people doing it any day, any time.
I took a photo of this window because I thought it was so beautiful full of plants.
Another thing about Venezuelan architecture is that almost every house has bars on the windows because of the country's insecurity.
I took this next photo because I loved the contrast between the red of the men's shirts and the green of the wall. Plus, what are the chances of two guys in red shirts just happening to walk by that spot?
I love the colors in this next photo, but it also has a lot of different frames within it. And check out the sign - "Fruit shop Simpson" (lol).
I used the lines of the road as a compositional technique (leading lines) for this next photo
A colorful urban landscape:
A can out of its usual context, a trace of the human element
This next photo is of a store that sells different types of sausages (and also another type of sausage called chorizo). But I've always found it so strange how they display them outside, in the open air. I wonder if they don't go bad...
Do people do this kind of thing in your part of the world?
A religious statue at the entrance of a house...
Pharmacy" but also a grocery store and a bakery, all in one place.
I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into life in Venezuela through these street photos!
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These photos are kaleidoscopic, conveying a sense of dynamic patterns and diverse hues that reflect the vibrant spirit of the street.