Education is obsolete in the information age. There is only learning and indoctrination now.
State schools in US are funded by property tax. Even if you have no kids, or your kids go to a private school, or your kids go to a state-school in another district, you still have to give your property tax dollars to the state school in your property's district.
Imagine if educators on YouTube got paid regardless if their videos got 10 views or 10M views. What would the quality of content on YouTube trend towards? Now imagine that YouTube was operated by the same institution that controls the money in society. There would probably be a lot of propaganda videos and not many videos which teach alternative money systems.
There's almost no learning to be had in state-run education centers, its 80% indoctrination.
this is 100% true, then again i wonder, was it always true? has it really changed and honestly i think not.
i see why homeschooling is so popular now, i just see school as a place for my kids to make some friends. while all the other parents are worried about the average exam grades, my approach is ' as long as there a nice teachers and good friends, i can do my bit with the brain programming and teaching the kids to actually think critically'