I thought I heard a while back that square was adding lightning but I haven't seen it in person. I see their kiosks at a lot of places though.
The barrier to entry seems to be the understanding of how to run a node and managing (automating) its liquidity, but if you see my other post asking what to pick, nobody knows the answer. There are too many different ways to do this.
Is there not decent custodial options for businesses to use or do the absolutely have to have a node?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @clarity OP 18h
You’ve got me thinking..🤔
Yes, they need a way to create invoices. Lightning is anonymous and there isn’t a way to send money without an invoice.
But, with BOLT12, I’m not sure that’s the case anymore.
I haven't looked into bolt12 yet. I have a lot to learn.