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Time, knowledge, and liberty are worth a lot more than any amount of money.
Unlike all fiat currencies, gold, crypto, or digital assets, Bitcoin is about individual sovereignty and has given humankind free rein over their money. Gaining knowledge about Bitcoin educates one person more about economics and time-the most valuable resource of all. In essence, Bitcoin is a path to genuine freedom, allowing one to invest time in whatever is truly important rather than in centrally controlled, phony monetary value.
All goods have marginally decreasing returns.
For a man with no obligations and a free agenda, wasting a minute costs little.
For a penny less man, 100,000 sats is a treasure.
I feel like our time is the thing we want to value with money. Money is accounting for energy over time and the thing is more valuable than the thing that measures it. So I think I agree.
Gold also provides the individual with a similar access to freedom even if Bitcoin has increased mobility in the digital age, gold still has its value as a currency not controlled by bankers or governments.
Family > Time > Bitcoin+Friends
So true bitcoin helps you understand value and time like no other. It helps you to be more patient too
Time is always more valuable, a lesson learned during covid.
time is an arbitrary construct based on positions of celestial objects. there is no past and no future, only an ever-expanding moment in the present. if we can remember and if we can plan - our present moment is more expansive. destruction of memories (thru alzheimer's and other types of dementia) and hope (thru inflation) leads to a shrunken present moment.
knowledge and science are a noble pursuit, as opposed to not-knowing and nescience. the goal is con-science (knowing together).
liberty is acquired by reading from a library of knowledge, from the word liber, book. i.e. knowledge is acquired thru liberty, and that's how we become free in our own kingdom, freedom. no liberty - no freedom.