We’re actively working on finding the best non-custodial solution. We've been collaborating with the team at THNDR Games to explore non-custodial betting through their wrapped invoice architecture, while also experimenting with DLP on Lightning for an optimal user experience.
Here’s a look at our roadmap, which may evolve as we refine our approach:
  • Release 1: Simple binomial markets with YES/NO options and single outcomes. Q3 2024
  • Release 2: Polynomial markets with multiple outcomes. Q4 2024
  • Release 3: Integrate non-custodial betting through THNDR's API, DLP, or another emerging Layer 2 solution. Q1/Q2 2025
That said, we believe the concept of a fully non-custodial prediction market solution has limitations. Even if a non-custodial setup is in place, it hinges on accurate market resolution by oracles. If an oracle resolves the market incorrectly, the non-custodial aspect becomes irrelevant, as the core outcome is still compromised. Whether it’s a single centralized resolver or a group of 20 decentralized individuals, the risk of human error, manipulation, or bias always exists. Humans can be influenced by emotions, greed, or fear, which can lead to unfair resolutions.
Our priority is to strike the right balance between offering secure, fair, and transparent markets while acknowledging these inherent challenges in the prediction market space.
Disclaimer: We've used ChatGPT for grammatical corrections and formatting.