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"distributing food and water to civilians in need on the ground" in Gaza is such an incredibly sketchy project. The fact is more food is going into Gaza than the population could possibly eat. While there are shortages in certain areas, they're caused by Hamas and other militants stealing food aid to sell themselves.
Now where do you think a fundraiser is going to buy food and water to redistribute? Quite likely, Hamas, which means that your money is likely going to end up funding Hamas even in the best case. In the worst case the whole thing could just be a scam by Hamas to get some more hard currency.
Like it or not, but Hamas is the legitimate government of Gaza. Any aid to Gaza is money that Hamas doesn't need to spend on their population, and can instead spend on killing Jews. Billions of dollars worth of financial assistance is how Hamas was able to afford the tunnels and weapons necessary to kill over 1000 Jews and other Israeli's on Oct 7th to begin with. Your tax dollars funded that; you're donations will fund that too.
Geyser's completely right to steer clear of that mess.
Re: the Ukraine fundraiser, it's a bit unfortunate they're shutting that down. But frankly, pretty much all the legit Ukrainian fundraisers are accepting Bitcoin already via on-chain addresses; being unable to use Geyser doesn't change much. And that particular fundraiser was for humanitarian relief IIUC, which isn't something Ukraine is urgently in need of more of.
What Ukraine needs most, by far, is money to buy weapons, especially drones. Within Ukraine itelf the supermajority of fundraising efforts go to buying drones for the military, as the population knows damn well that the most important thing to do is solve the root cause of the problem by efficiently killing Russians. Drones are very good at that, and unlike other weapons, the parts to build them can be easily purchased on the open market. For example, here's an advertisement for a big mainstream music event in Kyiv, fundraising to buy drones from the military:
Your biases are showing and it’s so fucking hilarious to watch.
As humans, we see the world differently. Whether bias or not, it's his opinion and choice. Appreciate the the fact that someone is showing you his true state on any matter. It's much better than being a hypocrite on the fence.
Agreed. hate breeds more hate. Israel is the proverbial boomer. keeps up there faux patriotic rhetoric. No one is falling for it anymore.
Not the good resistence... If they where asking for Venezuela...
The best way is:
  • Decentralize crowdfunding
  • Use Nostr zaps, BOLT12 offers and Silent Payments