Why are so many governments hell-bent on instituting mass censorship (and therefore mass surveillance) on the internet? Why is "Big Tech" so happy to help with that? If you were to steelman their case what would that look like? What's you honest take on freedom of speech and censorship and how they're related to mis, dis and mal-information on the internet. What's the best way to deal with disinfo? Or the least bad? What's the worst way? Shout-out to Mike Benz. He's been tracking the censorship-industrial-government-complex for years. Also shout-out to Robert Malone's book on infowar/psywar/5th generation warfare. Also worth mentioning that General Flynn wrote a book on the topic a few years ago. Viva la liberte de parler!
Right to free speech.75.0%
Right to listen to dissident speech.0.0%
Fight words with words.0.0%
Censorship implies surveillance.25.0%
John Stuart Mill's 'On Liberty'0.0%
Censorship's bad, mkay.0.0%
Do censor! Free speech bad! Danger!0.0%
4 votes \ 13h left
How can we possibly even question that speech should be censored. It's mind blowing how confused people are right now.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10h
I've been on a Mike Benz kick lately.
"Why not censor?" translates to "Why not remove accountability?"
Anyone/thing with the power to censor will silence speech critical of them/itself or speech it finds merely unfavorable. Free speech rights are essential if we wish to hold our social/societal environment accountable and communicate about danger and benefit.
I am also reminded of the Voltaire quote "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" and "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
Good intentions can be misguided by manipulating the info-space using the twin tools of propaganda and censorship. "I don't hear anyone or any expert contradicting this and it keeps getting repeated so I guess it must be true. Not sure if it makes sense to me but I guess I''ll trust the experts." The masses can go along and help commit atrocities thinking they're doing something good or necessary.
It's hard to get a majority to believe absurdities and to keep them believing it without employing mass censorship.
Shout-out to Mike Benz. Him be the bestest journo on this subject I know. Honorable mention to Michael Shellenberger