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Big fan of mutually voluntary interactions.
Believer that the only legitimate use for violence is self defense and therefore not, for example, for reshaping the world in your image with other people's money.
Out sourcing violence to a mafia called "government" does not make it moral or any less violent.
A majority voting for theft of a minority doesn't change the fact you're stealing or taking other people's stuff by force.
Can't we all live together peacefully? Strange that the "right-wing anarcho-capitalist libertarian" actually embodies this more than the hippie wanting to help other through big government which comes down to threatening his fellow man if he does not want to cooperate.
Can't we use our words to persuade others? And our own actions? And coordinated non-violent action as collectives?
Why the violence and the threats of violence?
Let me buy from whoever would sell to me. Let me sell to whoever would buy from me.
Let me speak to whoever will listen. Let me listen to whoever I'd hear speak.
Mutually voluntary.
What is it that so many appear to find so objectionable about that?
Recommended reading material. I chose fairly short pieces.
John Stuart Mill 'On Liberty' the part about freedom of speech.
Mises 'Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth'
Bastiat 'The Law'
Mises 'Bureaucracy'
Bastiat 'That Which is Seen and That Which is Unseen'
Orwell's 'Animal Farm' and '1984'
Huxley's 'Brave New World'
E.M. Forster's 'The Machine Stops'
Most important voice today circa 20240919 according to this rando on the internet: Mike Benz. Check him out on X. His first appearance on the Tucker Carlson show is probably a good intro to the ideaspace he has been tracking and publishing on.
His main concern is maintaining the free and open nature of the internet to the extent it still exists, and reclaiming it to the extent it has already disappeared.
If we lose free speech, all the more so if it is lost without most people noticing, the room for hope shrinks lots and lots. That's the hill to die on. That's the line to hold.
Inform yourself and become a participant in the info-war. Free speech still exists to a significant extent today.
I'd advice using it to defend it and reclaim it.
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