It must be challenging for him. He wants his cake and to eat it to. I wonder how this will play out. I feel like greed always catches up eventually. Will he sell eventually?
The weird thing is that he keeps taking on debt to buy bitcoin. Eventually he is going to have to pay those debts.
Seems like he is playing a dangerous game. But I can't see what the outcome might be. But I can see he lacks conviction. Eventually that will make something shift I feel. He is to greedy.
Yes. He is becoming famous for being famous. Like the Kardashians.
in many cases the debt is paid back in stock. in the cases where its actual money its a 1% interest rate that they could easily cover with the marginal increase in their revenues but leverage is dangerous even if its very intelligently engineered.
All nonsense illusions. It's going to come down somehow. Bitcoin is the only true signal of energy over time it seems. I don't understand the fiat games but I can see truth.