31 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 5h
I don't believe the polls. Nothing besides a resounding Trump victory makes any sense to me. How can Kamala go from the least popular Vice President of all time to positive favourability in the span of two months without doing anything besides one debate? Granted on the surface she did well in the debate but she didn't answer any questions about flipping on all her previous positions and didn't answer why she participated in covering up Joe's dementia (or whatever he is suffering from) and why her and Joe haven't done the things she claims she will do if elected, in the last 3.5 years.
It is wild to me that no reporter has asked her. "When did you notice Joe's mental acuity had deteriorated to a level where it did not make sense for him to attempt to govern for 4 more years". If she lies and says after the debate clearly she is part of a cover up and if she says earlier then that why did she allow America to be put at risk by having a mentally faltering leader. In either case she cannot be trusted and is unelectable.
She still hasn’t explained her flip flop on fracking and how her values have not changed
Fracking is a big industry in Pennsylvania. A petroleum engineer in western Pennsylvania who describes herself as left of center and a Josh Shapiro supporter said she doesn’t trust Kamala on fracking.
The source was Reddit. I am surprised that a petroleum engineer is a Democrat. If you work in petroleum you have to know that Democrats hate your industry.
Edit: the pivotal state is Pennsylvania