That may be the thing though. It encourages the Q believer to just sit back and not do anything. The good guys are in control.
Less like catnip, more like (h)opium.
People that just don't want to do anything will interpret it that way. On the contrary, Q was very clear it was about the people as a force multiplier:
Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth. You must show them. Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change to participate. We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time. WILL YOU STAND?
To participate really hits when you think about the difference vs. 8 years ago when the op went public, people were too scared then to be effective... people were fooled into thinking they were outnumbered. They just bitched about it to whoever they felt safe talking to...
Now for example you emboldened moms in every school council meeting tearing that apparatus down, public pressure over election integrity in every district in the country.
Very different discourse because the op is working.
fair points. thanks for the response.