Reading #691712 from our wise mage made me wonder: how many "bitcoin companies" rather drive bitcoin adoption instead of being driven by it?
Bitcoin companies in quotation marks since it’s a loose definition.
119 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 7h
This is informed by a lot of founder's pitchdecks that are like "we moon when bitcoin does." Bitcoin may take longer than a lifetime to reach mass adoption and there's some chance it always remains an obscure asset. If people can choose, they shouldn't choose for their company's growth to critically depend on more things outside of their control than they have to. Further, if your company's "secret" is dependence on something outside of your control, it won't be a secret for very long and you can't expect to durably capture the value it produces. They wish to confound the passive benefits of holding bitcoin with running a company; "if I can just stand around with my hands out long enough gold will fall into them."