Why wouldn’t you zap a bot? Behind the scenes, a person (likely) made the bot. Just because they’ve found a way to provide value in an automated fashion shouldn’t devalue their contribution, should it?
Fair point. Perhaps there is an expectation of social interaction and a bot feels more like a one way street.
That’s fair. I don’t expect interaction when I zap something, because zaps are anonymous (generally)
A bot doesn’t feel. When I zap, I know I’ve made someone else feel better, and by the laws of human empathy, I feel better myself. Depending on your perspective, there can be arguments made that Zapping is a selfish act. Lately, I’ve been a very selfish person.
A bot doesn’t, but the creator does. I know bot creators like @ek check in on their bot children to see how they’re behaving
Yeah, thinking about how a particularly generous zap will make someone else feel is definitely an important factor.