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Hello everyone, I have decided to make this small introductory tutorial on how to use the LNP2P telegram bot, if you are looking for a way to buy or sell your sats for fiat shitcoin this may be the way to do it. A little context the bot was created by Francisco Calderón @negrunch in X, as you can read on his website and I quote lnp2pbot is a bitcoin exchange system for local currency, which allows person-to-person transactions to be made easily and safely using the Lightning network. It is a Telegram bot that can be used pseudonymously, without user registration or identity verification. It is a tool that only guards the satoshis (minimum unit of bitcoin) for the minimum time necessary, which provides greater security to its users compared to exchange services that have internal wallets and full custody of the funds. Lnp2pBot is an open source application so it can be freely audited, replicated, modified and redistributed.

Working with the bot

  1. The first thing will be to go to telegram and search for lnp2pbot, select it and start it, You can also do it from the following link @lnp2pbot
  1. If you want to know all the offers that are available, as well as the communities of a certain currency, you can access here You can also join the Telegram group @lnp2pbot Exchange
💡 it is not necessary to belong to a community to create or take offers. All offers created without being in a community are published in the main channel
When you take an offer, @lnp2pBot will guide you step by step through the buying/selling process.

Creating a sales order

The first thing will be to execute the command /sell in the bot. This will start a wizard that will guide us through the process. It is very simple so you will not have any problems.
Then we are asked to enter the currency, it can be EUR, USD, etc. In this example we will use USD
We enter the amount of USD to sell. We enter 1 USD as an example
In the next step the bot will ask us to define a fixed amount of sats to sell for 1 USD or select the market price option. For this example we will use market price.
The next step will be to configure the premium or discount on the sale, that is, you would sell at a lower or higher price. We also have the option of choosing without a premium or discount and that is what we will do for the example.
Finally, information about the payment methods that will be allowed is entered, and with this the order is published in the offers channel.
That's all, the order can be cancelled using the command /cancel <order id>

Take the sell order


The buyer sees the order in the channel and takes it, from here everything happens in the bot
We accept the order in the bot and send a Lightning invoice for the amount the bot is asking for.
💡The following images appear in Spanish. Sorry for the inconvenience to perform the operations. I used another phone and forgot to change the language of the bot. I don't think it's much of a problem. Thank you.
Once the invoice is sent by the buyer, the bot notifies the seller that payment must be made. But this is where the magic happens, well it's not magic, it's technology. The bot sends an invoice to the seller that includes a 0.6% tax for the use of the bot. This payment is made using a hold invoice. More information here


The seller pays the bot's invoice using a hold invoice
Once the invoice is paid, the bot contacts both parties so that they can agree on the payment method. Only at this moment does the bot show both parties the user ID on Telegram.
💡I won't go into details on this step as it depends on the payment method.


After the payment is made, the buyer must execute the command /fiatsend


Once payment is verified, the seller executes the /releases command and selects the order
The funds are released and the hold invoice is released, everything happens like a normal lightning payment. Finally, the bot shows both parties a survey to evaluate the counterpart.
The purchasing process happens in the same way, so I won't cover it because the post is already long. Next time I'd like to see the topic of communities and disputes, which can be discussed here in the comments if you're interested. I hope you're not bored, this is my first time using markdown.
Nice tutorial. So, it's a kind of p2p on lightning? Right?
Exactly a p2p with all the rules
LNP2P Bot IMO is the best way to buy and sell SATS.
You can do all the trade without leaving Telegram.
Just to add some info, MOSTRO is also from another P2P market over NOSTR made by Negrunch too.
Nice! This will be helpful for many noobs.
Thanks ! Bookmarked!
In our study group we have been using p2pbot since it came out. It is easy to use... and well, it is with Telegram... it is excellent that something similar will become a reality in the future but in Nostr... Thanks for the information, I am sure it will be useful to many people 👍👍
If the version for nostr is called Mostro and works in a similar way to the one for telegram, the great advantage over its brother lnp2pbot is that it works on nostr. The creator is Francisco Calderon himself
I was unaware of that! Thanks for the info 🙂👍 I'll look it up on Nostr 💪
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